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- What is Dale Carnegie?
- Skills for Success

Dale Carnegie is a world-renowned professional development organization that offers various courses and programs focused on leadership, communication skills, improving interpersonal relationships, sales skills, customer service skills, presentation skills, conflict management skills, and change management skills. These programs are based on principles outlined in Dale Carnegie’s book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” which has repeatedly been on the New York Times Best Seller List.
Actually today, Dale Carnegie is more relevant today than when the organization was founded. The more technology advances, the harder it is for people to form real authentic relationships. According to studies, technology and virtual roles have made people feel more isolated, decreased their capacity to build strong relationships, and diminished their ability to effectively communicate. The principles outlined in Dale Carnegie’s book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” help build stronger relationships, improve communication, enhance collaboration, and give people the skills they need to succeed in today’s complex world.
Dale Carnegie is the competitive advantage that many organizations utilize to address soft skills and cultural development across almost all industries. Dale Carnegie is truly a global organization and has a track record in professional development with over 110 years of success in 90 + countries and 30 + languages.
Dale Carnegie is able to offer college credits for the many of the courses we offer. Dale Carnegie is one of the only global training vendors with both an ISO certification and college ACE and ACCET certifications. These certifications have allowed Dale Carnegie to partner with professional organizations such as HRCI, SHRM, PMI, and NASBA to offer College Credit, PDU’s, CPE’s, and CEU’s.
Dale Carnegie allows organizations with limited resources to offer continued development to employees, or augment training efforts for organizations that have existing learning and development departments, through one-on-one coaching, public programs, and/or private customized solutions. Dale Carnegie resources can be utilized to enhance executive presence, grow high-potential employees, improve presentation effectiveness, foster collaboration, increase retention, boost employee engagement, drive revenue through effective sales and customer service, etc.
Dale Carnegie offers private one-on-one coaching, face-to-face public courses, private customized courses, and online programs to both individuals and organizations. Delivery methods can be combined to create a development program that meets your specific organizations needs. These courses are designed for organizations looking to improve their team’s skills and performance, or individuals looking to grow personally and professionally.
Dale Carnegie develops key soft skill areas needed in today’s complex business environment. Some of these areas include enhanced interpersonal skills, inclusive leadership, active listening, effective communication, conflict resolution, change management, increased self-confidence, effective sales, world-class customer service, impactful presentations, and team building.
Dale Carnegie is college accredited which allows participants to receive college letter grades, PDU’s, CPE’s, or CEU’s for most courses attended. Dale Carnegie also has a wide variety of certificate programs and Digital Badge certifications. The certificate programs include both public certificate programs and tailored certificate programs that customers use for their internal corporate universities to develop their people. Here are some of the public certificate programs;
High Impact Executive Leadership Academy
High Impact Leadership Academy
High Impact Sales Management Academy
High Impact Leader Development Program
Bilingual Leadership Development Program
High Impact Sales Certification
Dale Carnegie Digital Badge certifications boost your value and showcase your achievements! These include badges such as the Advanced Leadership Certificate, Productivity Certificate, Trusted Advisor Certificate, etc. Learn more at
The single greatest skill an effective leader has is the ability to form effective relationships at all levels inside and outside the organization. Dale Carnegie’s book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” outlined 30 human relations principles that augment a leader’s ability to form these relationships. The Dale Carnegie Human Relations Pyramid shown below explains how these principles impact a leader’s influence and why they a critical for success in today’s world.
Dale Carnegie’s first 9 principles help leaders build stronger relationships, and in turn trust and rapport, with the people they lead. Without this foundational relationship, people may be indifferent to what the leader is trying to accomplish.
Dale Carnegie’s second set of 12 principles empowers leaders to build on their relationships to increase their influence and attain willing cooperation from others. This allows them to accomplish greater success rather than relying on the old “command and control” leadership style that would garnish a lower level of effort… compliance.
Dale Carnegie’s final set of 9 principles allows leaders that have formed strong relationships and earned willing cooperation to motivate and inspire people, transforming them into true leaders.
Managers are often promoted because they are good at what they do. Unfortunately, being good at what you do at your current level does not necessarily translate to being a good manager of people. New managers need to be equipped with enhanced communication skills and knowledge of performance management processes such as goal setting, delegating, coaching, holding people accountable, managing conflict, problem-solving, and decision-making. These skills should be developed in a new manager to ensure their success.
Selling in today’s world is complex and takes “Phycological Fortitude”. This requires a growth mindset and resilience. As showcased in the Cycle of Performance Improvement picture below the salesperson has to have the attitude that they want to, need to, and will do the necessary activities to be successful in sales. Once this is achieved the salesperson can learn the methods, techniques, and processes to successfully approach prospects and customers. Like any skill, these methods, techniques, and processes must be practiced with a coach or mentor to perfect them and apply them correctly. Once this is done, continued application of the skills with fine-tuning will help to develop greater proficiency and the results that separate the average salesperson from the experts.
The most important skill any salesperson should have is the ability to build relationships. People will do business with people they like and trust. Dale Carnegie wrote the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” which focused on perfecting this skill. Today the foundational principles from his book are used to enhance a salesperson’s capability to become a trusted advisor to earn first-time customers and repeat sales.
There are 3 essentials to becoming a great presenter Delivery, Content, and Structure. Dale Carnegie in his book, “The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Public Speaking” said that great presenters are great conversationalists. This means that instead of going into “presenter mode” presenters should remain authentic and personable in their delivery. An authentic delivery is then reinforced by the content that is tailored to the audience’s knowledge of the subject, wants, and needs. The structure of the content is then planned and determined by the goal of the message whether it is to motivate, persuade, educate, or inspire. These principles, when mastered, deliver maximum impact on the audience.
Mr. Carnegie said in his book, “The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Public Speaking” effective presenters need to have the 3 E’s listed below.
The presenter should have earned the right to speak about their subject through study and/or experience. They should be excited about the message they are conveying. Finally, the presenter should be able to project the value of the message to the listener. Start with these 3 E’s to enhance presentations.