Dale Carnegie of Orange County | Improving Leadership Effectiveness

Survival of the Finest Organizations: Employee Engagement

In 2023, employee engagement has become a critical factor for an organization’s survival. Employee engagement refers to the level of commitment, dedication, and passion an employee has for their work and the company they work for. Organizations need fully engaged employees to survive increasing inflation, supply chain issues, new regulations, and increasing competition. Engaged employees are known to be more productive, efficient, innovative, and loyal to their organizations.

In today’s ever-changing business world, employee engagement has become even more challenging than ever before due to an increased remote and hybrid work landscape. Remote workers are more challenging for organizations to keep engaged and motivated. Engaged employees are more likely to be self-driven and motivated, which is essential in a remote work environment where there is less direct supervision and connection to the team. By focusing on employee engagement, organizations can ensure that their remote employees feel more connected to their work and the organization, resulting in higher productivity and job satisfaction.

Furthermore, with the high cost of employee turnover, employee retention rates are critical which is directly impacted by employee engagement levels. Engaged employees are less likely to leave their current job and are more likely to remain loyal to their organization. They feel a sense of ownership and pride in their work, which makes them less likely to leave for a new job opportunity. This means that organizations that focus on employee engagement are likely to see a higher retention rate and lower turnover, which ultimately increases productivity and saves the organization money in recruitment and training costs.

In addition, employee engagement is critical for creating a positive work culture. Engaged employees are more likely to work collaboratively with their colleagues, resulting in a more positive & healthy work environment. When employees feel that their work is valued and appreciated, they are more likely to share their ideas and feedback, resulting in a more open and collaborative work environment. This can lead to increased innovation and creativity, ultimately benefiting the organization’s long-term success.

Free 50 Employee Engagement Tips and Ideas eBook

A study by Achievers found that 83% of HR leaders believe that employee engagement is either “very important” or “important” to their organization’s success. However, only 15% of these HR leaders reported that their organization had a “highly engaged” workforce. Statistically, little has changed over the last two decades regarding employee engagement numbers, and in many industries, engagement levels have dropped.

Why are organizations ignoring employee engagement as a tool to keep their organizations financially sound? Here are some possible explanations:

  • Lack of awareness: Some organizations may not realize the importance of employee engagement or may not understand what it entails. They may be focused solely on their bottom line and fail to recognize that employee engagement is crucial to achieving their business goals.[vcex_spacing size=”20px”]
  • Short-term thinking: Organizations that are focused on short-term gains may not see the value in investing time and resources into employee engagement initiatives that may not yield immediate returns. They may prioritize quick fixes and cost-cutting measures instead of addressing underlying issues that affect employee engagement.[vcex_spacing size=”20px”]
  • Resistance to change: Organizations may be resistant to change and reluctant to challenge their existing culture and practices. They may see employee engagement as a “soft” issue that is not worth prioritizing over other business priorities.[vcex_spacing size=”20px”]
  • Lack of resources: Some organizations may not have the resources to invest in employee engagement initiatives, such as training programs or employee recognition programs. They may see these initiatives as expensive and may be hesitant to allocate resources to them.[vcex_spacing size=”20px”]
  • Poor leadership: Finally, poor leadership can also be a factor in organizations ignoring employee engagement. Leaders who are not invested in the well-being of their employees or who lack the skills to effectively engage and motivate their teams may overlook the importance of employee engagement.

Whatever the reason may be for ignoring it in the past, employee engagement is more critical than ever for the survival of organizations. Engaged employees are more productive, loyal, and collaborative, resulting in higher profitability, lower turnover rates, and a positive work environment. With the changing work landscape, the increasing cost of doing business, and the increased need for employee retention, employee engagement has become even more important for ensuring that employees feel connected to their work and the organization. By focusing on employee engagement, organizations can ensure their long-term success, improve financial performance, and create a healthy workforce culture.

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Employee Engagement Workshop
May 18, 2023
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Dale Carnegie of Orange County
Register Here.


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