Dale Carnegie of Orange County | Improving Leadership Effectiveness

Lean Enterprise Seminar

This 1-Day workshop is for professionals who want to better understand what is really going on in their processes and use Lean concepts to improve the value-added and reduce non-value added activities (wastes) associated with producing and delivering their products and services. This will be a hands-on workshop to provide opportunities to apply Lean tools and learn how to mentor and lead others to do the same in their organization. This workshop will also cover change management through the creation of an action plan to transform the organization from its current state to a desired future state.


  • Gain a basic understanding of the key principles, tools, and methodologies associated with Lean.
  • Determine which Lean practices are applicable to your organization.
  • Take Away – an Action Plan to apply Lean.


  • History of Lean (i.e. origins in the USA, Toyota Production System, Quick Response).
  • Kaizen (incremental improvement) & Kaikaku (breakthrough improvement).
  • World Café Setting (1st) – 45 minutes (http://www.theworldcafe.com)
  • Will form into small groups to share participant’s needs on an Affinity Diagram.
  • A master Affinity Diagram will be created to identify and summarize the needs of all the participants and determine which topics require additional focus during the seminar).
  • Gemba Walk (observing “the place where value is created” and listening to employees).
  • Standard Work (documenting the current best practice for control and improvement).
  • Theory of Constraints (Throughput, Inventory, Operational Expenses).
  • Visual Factory Management (process metrics, work instructions, general plant information, Jidoka).
  • 5S Workplace Discipline (Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain).


  • Value Stream Mapping.
  • Heijunka (leveling of production) by focusing on minimizing Muda, Mura, & Muri.
  • Poka-Yoke (Mistake Proofing) focuses on minimizing the 16 types of Human Error.
  • Cycle Time Reduction, JIT (Just in Time), Kanban (inventory management).
  • Spaghetti Diagrams, Cellular Manufacturing, Continuous Flow & Takt Time.
  • TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) for minimizing the 6 Big Losses (Breakdowns, Setup & Adjustment, Idling & Minor Stoppages, Reduced Speed, Process Defects, Reduced Yield).
  • Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) to measure the efficiency & effectiveness of a process).
  • World Café Setting (2nd) – 45 minutes.
    • Reform into small groups to create an Inter-relationship Diagram based on their Affinity Diagram. This will identify Cause & Effect relationships; identify Key Drivers and Key Outcomes; and an Action Plan.
    • A master Inter-relationship Diagram will be created showing a logical sequence as an Action Plan to lead your Lean program at your organization.
    • Wrap up, next steps, and issue Certificates.


  • Anyone wanting to control and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their organization.


1-Day Seminar
June 1, 2022
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Investment: $398 per person.

Register Here.

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