Dale Carnegie of Orange County | Improving Leadership Effectiveness


Watching the NBA finals was a bit of a disappointment if you were a Cleveland Cavaliers fan. But, no matter what your favorite team is, you should appreciate the dynasty the Golden State Warriors built to win its third NBA championship in four years while sweeping the Cavs in the finals. Building a consistently high-performing team is no small matter in this day and age when players are more concerned about getting a multimillion-dollar contract than anything else. So, what can we learn from the Golden State Warriors to ensure the consistent success of our teams?

Here are 5 characteristics we can “C” that contributed to the team’s success:

  1. Common Purpose – The team put aside individual aspirations to focus on a common goal to win! The Golden State Warriors were not worried about the individual spotlight but understood that there’s gratification in contributing to the goal of the team with as much enthusiasm as possible.
  2. CommitmentGolden State players had to have a strong feeling of loyalty to each other. With Golden State having four superstars, it would have been easy to look for a bigger paycheck from another team, but they were committed to staying in order to win as a team.
  3. Communication – During challenging times when teams are playing from behind, it can lead to communication break down and individuals pointing fingers at each other. When you build an atmosphere of trust, individuals can get past the feeling of desperation and fear to maintain open lines of communication.
  4. Collaboration – Teamwork is about helping each other no matter if you personally get the glory or not. Golden State players demonstrated selflessness as they passed the ball around to each other until the open man could make the shot. This was also evident as individuals stepped up and performed at a higher level when others were having an off day.
  5. Coordination – This is the unification and synchronization of the efforts of each team member in order to provide unity of action in the quest of the common goal. This is the power of the Warriors team that binds them together.


When you think of your own team at work, how many of these characteristics can you “C”? If you want to sweep the competition, focus on the “C’s” that can take your team to the next level.

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