Dale Carnegie of Orange County | Improving Leadership Effectiveness


Why Coaching And Training Employees Leads to Better Leaders

why-coaching-and-training-employees-leads-to-better-leadersHigh-potential employees want to improve at their jobs, no matter how productive they already are. One of the best ways to accomplish this is on-the-job coaching and training employees.

Coaching and training equip employees with new skills, improving their knowledge. This allows them to contribute more to their teams and pass on innovation and know-how to peers. No wonder this is one of Dale Carnegie’s 13 engagement methods that transform standout employees into future leaders.

These methods are not limited to hard skills. It’s often soft skills that allow them to better communicate with co-workers, customers, and vendors or work without constant manager supervision or guidance. Soft skills range from teamwork and dependability to adaptability, conflict resolution, and problem-solving.

How Coaching And Training Employees Can Help Your Organization Thrive

Coaching and training – internal or external – impacts entire organizations. These engagement methods lead to lower employee turnover and allow organizations to meet production and financial goals faster. Why? Instead of hiring new employees, these businesses can promote from within their ranks, boosting employee morale.

Coaching and training allow managers to reward high-performing team members. While underperforming employees often receive a large portion of manager time, coaching and training allow organizational leadership to focus on employees that are ready and able to learn more, do more.

Remember: One of the reasons employees leave organizations is frustration over not being challenged. A lack of regular feedback can damper the spirit of team members with lofty career ambitions.

What’s The Difference Between Coaching and Training?

Training allows employees to learn and develop specific skills. Coaching, meanwhile, enhances the talents and goals of employees. Both are important, but the implementation is slightly different. 

Implementing a Coaching and Training Program

The first step to implement a coaching and training program is to set the goals: how many training hours should each employee get? Is there a budget for training? What is a measurable goal for employee training? 

Note: You should document all the training hours and investments so you can refer back to them for tuition credit or reimbursements. 

Next, we find that the best way to ensure a successful coaching and training program is by formalizing it. Organizations should create formal framework and incorporate it into their company culture so everyone gets involved. Be sure to reward coaches and team members that participate in coaching programs, and include coaching progress in employee reviews.

Popular Methods of Training & Coaching Employees

    • “Lunch and Learns”: This new format of employee training has become a popular way organizations impact thousands of team members at once. 
    • Leadership Coaching: Formalizing check-ins with leadership to provide coaching can be a great way to grow more of the soft skills that are not learned on the job. Even if done on a monthly basis, leadership coaching can get employees in that growth mindset.
    • Peer Mentors: Unlike coaching, this type of coaching can be down by employees within the same team. It’s a more casual form of coaching.
    • Online Training: Every industry has online training programs that can provide your employees with new skills and spark their creativity. Make the option available to your team to take online webinars, join online training courses, or even pay for an online course.
    • Outside Training Companies: If you have employees that want to work on developing their skills, outside training companies like Dale Carnegie are a fantastic way to do that. By focusing in on a specific attribute for several weeks, employees get to practice what they learn. And as we say at Dale Carnegie, practice makes permanent! 

Discover Dale Carnegie’s Training Programs

Our proven training techniques have helped Fortune 500 companies achieve real transformation for over 100 years. We have already helped thousands of individuals gain the skills needed to advance their careers within organizations. And given the tools to engage their teams, these leaders drive productivity and improve overall performance. 

Dale Carnegie of Orange County has an award-winning team of trainers who will help you improve in the core areas of Leadership, Presentations, Interpersonal Skills, Team Building, Sales, and Customer Service.

We will work with your budget and schedule to determine a customized program that will help you provide coaching and training opportunities for your organization.

Follow this link to get started. 

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